Bargaining Update 4/29/14

download the Bargaining Update #1

Your LTA Bargaining Team met with the district today (April 28, 2014).  The LTA team includes Polo Marquez (LMS), Sigrid Caballero (Felton), Fidel Lopez (Moffett), Lisa Rubio (Huerta) and Jeff Good (CTA Staff).  The LSD team includes Bob Mata (Personnel), Kevin Franklin (Fiscal Services), Lissett Pichardo (Buford), and Steve Andelson (attorney).

Your team presented a comprehensive bargaining proposal, in advance of the articles we’ve opened being sunshined (presented to the school board and opened to public comment) at the school board meeting on April 29, 2014.  The district made no proposals, but is expected to sunshine the articles they intend to open at the April 29 school board meeting.  Our next meeting is scheduled for May 14, 2014, at which point we expect to receive proposals and counterproposals from the district.

Your team is committed to improving the learning environment for students and the working conditions for teachers in Lennox.  We believe our proposals will help meet the needs of teachers and assist the district in this new era of Common Core and LCFF/LCAP.  It is our desire to reach an agreement before the end of the school year, but not at the expense of achieving important goals that will help our students, empower our members, and be consistent with the priorities of the Lennox community.

Attached here are the full proposals the Bargaining Team presented to the district.  There will be a joint presentation at your school sometime this week by the Bargaining Team and the Organizing Team explaining the proposals and what you can do to support the effort to get the district to accept all of these proposals.  Please be prepared to support the bargaining team by working with the Organizing Team and completing an LTA Commitment Card.

Initial LTA Bargaining Proposals for permanent contract language

Initial LTA MOU Proposal for Additional Planning Days

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