Bargaining Update – 9/5/14

Your LTA Bargaining Team met again for contract negotiations with the district on Friday, September 5th.  The LTA team includes Lisa Rubio (Huerta), Sigrid Caballero (Felton), Fidel Lopez (Moffett), Jim Nadler (LMS), and Alice Clement (CTA staff).  The LSD team includes Richard Tauer (HR), Kevin Franklin (Fiscal Services), Lissett Pichardo (Buford), and Steve Andelson (attorney).  The meeting was cordial and both sides expressed an interest in reaching an agreement as soon as possible.

During the summer and since school started, your Bargaining Team has met several times to create comprehensive counterproposals to the district’s June 16th proposals that reflect the priorities membership expressed on the recent Bargaining Survey.  Our counterproposals continue to offer fair and reasonable numbers on salary and a realistic path to smaller class sizes and planning time at all schools.  Our next scheduled date for bargaining is Monday, September 15th.

download Bargaining Update #5

download LTA’s complete proposal (9/5/14)

Your team is committed to improving the learning environment for students and the working conditions for teachers in Lennox.  We believe our proposals will help meet the needs of teachers and assist the district in this new era of Common Core and LCFF/LCAP.  It is our desire to reach an agreement soon, but not at the expense of achieving important goals that will help our students, empower our members, and be consistent with the priorities of the Lennox community.


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